It grows in clusters of 5-8 fruits. It has a nice round shape, smooth and regular, each tomato weighs about 100 g and can go up to about 150 g.

Shape: berry round.
Peel: deep red color.
Pulp: juicy, sweet and savory.
Handling: presents no particular problems.
Production area: Sicily (Ragusa provinces, Syracuse, Catania, Agrigento and Caltanissetta)

Nutritional values
And 'rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K and PP) and minerals (boro, football, ferro, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc and sulfur).

And 'ideal for those who make sport since, being rich in potassium, prevents muscle cramps. It contains a good dose of vitamin C and is also rich in minerals, with a balancing and detoxifying function. The content in malic and citric acid stimulates digestion.
The term "tomato" is the result of a fusion of the archaic term "golden apple"; this term, before turning into the current one, underwent several modulations throughout history: among all, ricorda if he "love apple", typically French expression because all'ortaggio were attributed aphrodisiac potential.
Production Calendar